When you're sick or have symptoms of sickness, you need to build your faith up for healing. The best way to build your faith is to pray in the Holy Spirit. A more practical application consists of Immersion Learning.
Immersion Learning is when a pupil immerses themselves; heart, mind and body into a particular subject. Say for instance you wanted to learn Mandarin. A good way to learn would be to move to China and become totally immersed in the culture. By living amongst, working with, and interacting with the people, you’d become acclimated to the language. The same is true for your healing. You can totally immerse into the kingdom of God – from the comfort of your home - by immersing yourself in the Word of God. The best way to get started is to read, listen to, watch, and talk about NOTHING but healing. A good example of this can be found with Dr. Creflo Dollar.
Immersion in Action
I once heard Dr. Creflo Dollar, Senior Pastor of World Changers Church International, give his testimony about doing exactly this when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He said the moment he received the diagnosis, he realized he was under attack. He said that it wasn’t just about being sick or having some disease; but he realized that his very existence was at stake. He then decided to IMMERSE himself on nothing but healing teachings.
Dr. Dollar went on to share that during that time, he didn’t want to talk about anything but healing. He didn’t want to hear anything but healing. And he didn’t want to see any programming that didn’t have to do with healing. This is because he had to become so IMMERSED that he could speak the language of healing because remember, Proverbs 18:21 says, ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.’ Even though his body was telling him he was sick, he had to align his words so that they came into agreement with what God's Word said, as opposed to agreeing with the cancer that was trying to ravage his body. The Word said he was healed which meant in spite of the symptoms and pain he was experiencing, he had to feed his mind and spirit with what God said.
‘…He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by [Jesus’] stripes we are healed.’ Isaiah 53:5
You may have heard of accounts where people deny they’re sick, in an attempt to do what you’re learning now. When asked about their condition, they’ll act as if they were never diagnosed or aren't experiencing symptoms. But the truth of the matter is that they are sick. They’ve just failed to do the follow up, preventative spiritual work needed which is to immerse themselves on healing by making daily confessions and building up their faith. They think that by denying its existence that it will go away and that’s not the case.
Dr. Dollar did it the correct way. By immersing himself in the Word, he was refusing the diseases right to stay. Though you're sick, you can deny sickness the right to remain in your life. That’s YOUR body. You have legal and spiritual rights to your body which means you can deny sickness’s right to torment you. And the way you enforce your rights as a believer is to take authority over the sickness and command it to leave. But in order to get to the point where you’re able to know-that-you-know-that-you-know-that when you give the command for sickness to leave, that it actually will, you must first immerse yourself on your authority as a believer and what the Bible says about healing.
You can’t just haul off and start spittin’ and shoutin’ at the sickness, the spirit behind the sickness, and the devil and tell them to get out because you said so. If you do, you might experience the same thing the Jewish exorcists and seven sons of Sceva did in Acts 19:13-17 when they,
‘…took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches….and the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.’
As you can see, you definitely don’t want to go that route. That is why it’s important for you to get to the point where you’re not calling on the name of the Lord Jesus - by the Jesus whom I know to be a healer or in whose name your Pastor preaches. You have to get to know the Lord for yourself so that when you do take authority over that disorder and speak to the mountain of disease, it will obey your voice because in it is the faith-filled, powerful Word of God and not that of somebody else you think is super spiritual. You have as much faith as I or your Pastor does. The only difference between us and you, is that we’ve immersed ourselves in healing. The same God that revealed what I’m teaching you now is the same God who’ll reveal this and much, much more to you…all you need to do is immerse!

You see immersion learning is much like starting a new job. On the first day, you really don’t know what to expect. Though you may have experience with how to do the job, you’re unfamiliar with their way of doing things. Plus, you’re unfamiliar with their policies. The same is true with healing. The more you immerse yourself in it, the more familiar you’ll become with the policies of God. Not only that, but you’ll become more confident in His ability to heal and restore for yourself so that you no longer have to rely on your trainer, Supervisor, me or your Pastor.
Without immersing yourself, the symptoms and sickness will continue to speak to you and become so loud that you won’t be able to believe that a full recovery is possible. But the way to silence the noisiness of the symptoms and sickness is to listen to, watch, talk about, read and totally saturate yourself in the Word of God UNTIL YOU'VE FULLY RECOVERED. I repeat, the way to silence the noisiness of the symptoms and sickness is to listen to, watch, talk about, read and totally saturate yourself in the Word of God UNTIL YOU'VE FULLY RECOVERED.
You’re going to have to make the decision that the only thing going on in that hospital room or in your house is healing. Nothing more. Nothing less. You are going to have to eat, drink, and breathe healing every moment of the day until you've fully recovered. You don’t have time to watch, listen, or pay attention to anything or anyone not talking about healing because too much is at stake. So before we go any further, settle it in your heart that no matter how long it takes, you are going to eat, breathe and do nothing but immerse on healing. So…
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, please help me to immerse in healing. I have never done anything like this before and I don’t know how or where to start but Lord I am willing. Please give me the interest, patience, and attention span to immerse myself until I'm healed. In Jesus’ name.
And wouldn’t you know it. God has already answered your prayer! Here’s a few ways to help you get your immersion started.
Ways to Immerse
Purchase a few of our Healing Tees to wear so that you can remind yourself you are healed.
When you wake: Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier to pray (in the Spirit) and confess your healing scriptures over yourself. This is actually giving them their spiritual medication.
Getting ready for work: Listen to faith-building healing teachings or music while showering and getting dressed.
If you take public transit: Read your Bible or listen to healing teachings on your device.
Commuting To Work: Listen to faith-building teachings. According to the U.S. Census Bureau8, the average American spends at least 100 hours commuting to work. You can obtain an Associate degree in less than 67 hours. Just think if you used this time to build yourself up in the Word.
At your workstation: Keep your healing scriptures in your desk drawer or as a screensaver so that you can see them every time you open it and if allowed, continue to listen to faith-based teachings or music.
On your break: Take a prayer walk or go to your car for those 15 minutes and just be quiet.
Social Media: The time spent checking Facebook or Twitter, devote to immersing.
On your lunch: Read your Bible, take another prayer walk, or go to your car and listen to teachings. Get with a believing co-worker and just fellowship. Or make more healing confessions again.
While you’re in the grocery store, gym, or at your child’s practice: Put on your earbuds and listen to teachings.
In your kitchen: Keep a scripture God has put on your heart on the refrigerator door and say it out loud while preparing your meals.
While you’re preparing your meals: Put your laptop in the kitchen and download some teachings.
In your bathroom: Have a faith-building healing book readily available or reread this one.
After you get home from work: Instead of reaching for the remote, take a moment to pray, watch BVOV.tv or other healing teachings or just be quiet.
While you’re cleaning the house: Turn up with worship music.
Go to bed: At least twenty minutes earlier and read the Word out loud. You don’t have to read several chapters, but at least one a day. Or go to rhema.org and purchase one of Brother Kenneth E. Hagin’s books on healing and read a chapter every night.
Or pray and just be still: Do this without any television or music going. And everyone can do this one…
When you lay down: Download a faith teaching or listen to one of Kenneth E. Hagin’s healing teachings (@Rhema) on YouTube and allow the Word of God to feed your spirit while you sleep.
Please note: There will be times when you’ll need to take a break from healing. Meaning, after a while few months, God will lead you to study and/or immerse on something else that’ll coincide with healing. Just know you're not only feeding on healing for how you feel now but for the future. Ultimately what you’re doing is becoming a student of healing while creating an atmosphere of expectancy. No matter where God leads, remain committed to the immersion process.
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