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How To Immerse (On Healing)

REPOST FROM 6/1/2014

After writing ‘Refusing Lack Byway of Immersion Learning’, I realized some may not know how.When I say immerse, that means you soak and sit.Say for instance you received a bad diagnosis, you need to immerse yourself on healing; immersion by way of listening, watching, confessing, and talking about NOTHING but healing.

I once heard Dr. Creflo Dollar, Senior Pastor of World Changers Church International, give his testimony about doing exactly that when he was diagnosed with cancer. He said at that moment, he realized that he was under attack. That it wasn’t just about being sick or having a disease; but that his very life was at stake. He made the decision to tell only those that 'needed to know' and thereafter, he immediately began to IMMERSE on nothing but healing teachings. He didn’t want to talk about anything but healing. He didn’t want to hear anything but healing. And this is because he had to become so IMMERSED that he was speaking the language of the kingdom and even though his body was telling him he was sick, God's Word said that he was healed. He had to feed his spirit on what God said in spite of the symptoms and pain he was experiencing.

It wasn’t that he was denying that he had cancer, but by immersing himself in the Word, he was refusing it’s right to stay.You see without immersing yourself, the symptoms and pain will begin to speak to you and they’ll become loud. But the way to silence them is by listening, watching, and reading the Word of God.

Ways to Immerse

When you wake: Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier to pray (in the Spirit) and confess your healing scriptures. This is actually taking your spiritual medication.

Getting ready for work: Listen to faith-building healing teachings or music while you shower and get dressed.

If you take public transit: Read your Bible or listen to healing teachings on your iPhone or iPod.

Commuting To Work: Listen to faith-building teachings. According to the U.S. Census Bureau1, the average American spends at least 100 hours commuting to work. You can obtain an Associate’s degree in less than 67 hours.Just think if you used this time to build yourself up in the Word.

At your workstation: Keep your healing scriptures in your desk drawer or as a screensaver so that you can see them every time you open it and if allowed, continue to listen to faith based teachings or music.

On your break: Take a prayer walk or go to your car for those 15 minutes and just be quiet.

Social Media: The time spent checking Facebook or Twitter, devote to immersing.

On your lunch: Read your Bible, take another prayer walk, or go to your car and listen to teachings. Get with a co-worker who’s a believer and just fellowship.

While you’re in the grocery store, gym, or at your child’s practice: Put your headphones on and listen to teachings.

In your kitchen: Keep a scripture God has put on your heart on the refrigerator door and say it out loud while preparing your meals.

While you’re preparing your meals: Put your laptop in the kitchen and download some teachings.

In your bathroom: Have a faith-building book dealing with your situation readily available for reading or even better, that month’s issue of REAL ISSUES.

After you get home from work: Instead of reaching for the remote, take a moment to pray, watch or other healing teachings or just be quiet.

When putting your children to bed: Read them a biblical bedtime story.

While you’re cleaning the house: Turn up with worship music.

Go to bed: At least twenty minutes earlier and read the Word out loud. You don’t have to read several chapters, but at least one a day. Or write in your journal of what the Lord did that day. Or go to and purchase one of Bro. Kenneth E Hagin’s books on healing and read a chapter every night.

ü Or pray and just be still: Do this without any television or music going. And everyone can do this one…

ü When you lay down: Listen to a faith-building MP3 or download and allow the Word of God to feed your spirit while you sleep.

Copyright © 2014 Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.

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