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Compassionate Solutions to Complex Homeless Problems

Exit Strategy Education, Assessments and Solutions Uniquely Designed for Nonprofits Serving the Homeless Community

There are more than 25,000 homeless Texans today. With the passing of House Bill 1925, as a homeless and housing nonprofit, you'll inevitably need short and long-term solutions to help our most vulnerable. Our consultants bring over a decade of call center experience in sub-prime auto, mortgage banking, student loans, and credit card collections. With a proven background of excellence in performance management, coaching, and staff development, SS&C has demonstrated success in building and guiding low-performance units into top-performing teams. That collections experience is what fuels our transitional consultancy because we know firsthand how lives can change overnight.


We understand how someone can afford an auto and mortgage payment and overnight have to relocate to a homeless shelter while trying to qualify for government assistance. We know because our consultants have been on both ends of the spectrum. We've been the collector and the debtor and it is with that understanding and firsthand knowledge that you can be assured your organization will receive compassionate solutions to complex homeless issues.

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Our consultants are also real estate certified in the state of Texas. The real estate education, combined with the fact that our consultants have rented rooms in strangers houses, lived in cars, in vacant homes, at the Salvation Army and in storage units, just means we are well versed on both sides of the housing spectrum and will bring that experience to your nonprofit so that together, we can help those who need it most.

Well versed on both ends of the housing spectrum. 



Christian Sweet

Youth Mentor, Workshop Facilitator, Speaker

Christian Sweet's experience with homelessness began in 2015 when he was forced to live in vacants and storage units. Raised by a single parent, he and his mother would move more than 30 times which ultimately led him to make some poor choices. Those choices ushered him into the school to criminal justice system pipeline but it is that experience along with his educational mishaps that are most valuable to SS&C. Because 39.8% of our nation's homeless are African-American while 61% are men and boys*, Christian brings a fresh, firsthand perspective of what homelessness looks like. As a young man born and raised in South Dallas, he was faced with four choices: bang, slang, pimp, or hustle. Christian chose the fifth alternative which was a life of solitude. While most were in the streets, Christian chose gaming as his outlet. Though a lonely road, it proved to be the safest. And though there were some hiccups along the way like dropping out of high school and catching a charge, the route he chose and the decisions he faced along the way is the type of relatable, out-of-the-box solutions and experience he brings to the SS&C team.   

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Image by Jon Tyson

Other Services Available 

Group Workshops Available

Empowerment Speaking


 eBooks & Courses

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Staci Sweet

Chief Exit Strategist

Seven years ago, Founder and Chief Exit Strategist, Staci Sweet, was homeless. Ordinarily that would sound strange, but for her, it was the norm. She's lived with family, friends, friends of family, rented rooms in strangers houses, lived in her car, and at the Salvation Army. But after several years of government assistance, being underemployed, unemployable, and battling bouts of mental illness, she finally discovered the root causes of her financial and mental instability and that discovery that has now morphed into a strategy, book and online course that will prove invaluable to your organization.


​Before becoming an Exit Strategist, Staci worked in collections; both as a front-end collector and eventually as a Collections Manager. Apart of her responsibility included managing, monitoring, and evaluating the performance of some 50+ direct reports. Because of that experience, she understands how financial situations can change overnight. I understand how quickly someone can go from being able to afford a $350+ auto payment to catching the bus. Because she has mortgage banking experience, she also understands how someone can go from paying a mortgage payment to living in a shelter. How does she know? Because almost overnight she went from making $50k+ bonuses in 2002 to $319 a week on unemployment, and thereafter ending up homeless. That experience, combined with the years she battled homelessness led her to found SS&C where she provides faith-based homeless solutions for nonprofits and faith-based organizations.      

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