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Image by Vika Strawberrika

Meet the Founder

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Author, Wait Coach & Chief Abstinologist

As an Abstinologist™, it is not my goal to push you into abstinence for an extended period of time. Not. At. All. My goal is to simply empower and to impart the sexual wisdom God has given me and to provide the accountability you'll need to make it through your Sexual Sabbatical™.

Wait School started off as a period of abstinence for me. In May 2013 a client asked if I could teach at a Women's Conference she was hosting. Though I was in my 11th year of abstinence, I didn't think it was something that I could teach but agreed anyway. While listening in on the sessions, I quickly saw that both I, nor the conference host, who has a phenomenal women's ministry, were equipped to answer the legitimate questions the ladies had. After it was over, I had an uplifting and encouraging conversation with my BMF, who soon convinced me that I needed to take my abstinency™ seriously, and because of that conversation I began to pray about how my abstinency™ could help other single women of faith. Shortly thereafter, the Spirit of the Lord revealed that I should...

...only teach what the Bible says about sexual issues, and not my opinion; to make my teachings applicable and relatable to the times, but let the Word do what only the Word can do.

I also began to receive ideas, insights and concepts into how the school would operate and whom the school would touch.

Though I knew the church needed the teachings, God began to reveal that so did those in game such as prostitutes, strippers and victims of sex trafficking and assault, so I started researching the sex industry and in 2015, discovered that the game had been parlayed into a publicly traded $17 per share corporation. Strip clubs had made their way to Wall Street and were commanding a lion share of the adult entertainment market.

Fast forward to 2019 and both strip and host/hostess clubs were a $167 annual billion dollar industry* while prostitution had grown to a $186 billion dollar industry*, annually. On top of that, as of 2022, adult digital content (i.e. porn sites), is now generating $44 billion* annually and we haven't even factored in the annual revenues of sex toys, social posts and magazines. And unfortunately, sex trafficking profits have skyrocketed to $99 billion dollars annually*.

With that in mind, it only made sense that God would have something to counter the physical, psychological, and more importantly, spiritual devastation caused by the industry, and one of those something's is Wait School.   


Wait School is a for-profit, faith-based, minority/woman-owned, online wait school™ specializing in Outercourse Education for kids, teens, single women of faith and adult entertainment professionals.

Abstinology® is the comprehensive biblical study of sex, abstinence and sexual purity. It is an in-depth exploration into the origin, purpose, and intricacies of sex with an emphasis on the non-penetrative activities known as outercourse. The school's mission is not to dissuade students from having sex, because inevitably they will. The objective of the courses is to ensure that both teen and adult students understand the purpose, spiritual side effects and the mathematics behind it and to help those in the adult entertainment industry, sexual assault survivors, and victims of sex trafficking understand that sexual purity can be a reality.

Unfortunately, prior to my abstinency™ and founding the school, I knew nothing about Abstinology®. To give you a bit of my background, before I gave my life to the Lord, I was a very promiscuous woman. But after being someone’s ride-or-die, girlfriend, mistress, side chick, main chick and finally a forever fiancé, I was tired. I talk about that tiredness in my book, 'Close Your Legs: A How-To Guide On How To Wait'. But on December 20, 2002, at the Pathway of Life Church on Military Parkway in Dallas, Texas, while attending a revival held by Dr. Juanita Bynum, when she said YES, I did too and it was at that moment that God delivered me from alcohol, weed, men and sex. Yes, men and sex because not only was I addicted to sex, I had a fetish for bad boys. But by the grace of God, He's taken a former sex addict and made her into a sexually pure faith-based sex educator, consultant, coach and founder of a one-of-a-kind, world class Wait School for teens and adults.

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​In regard to my experience, I received my life coaching certification in 2017 from the Tony Gaskins Academy; one of the nation's foremost coaching academies specializing in all things love and relationships. Because life involves waiting, I applied that certification to my waiting (i.e., abstinological™) experience which is why I provide Wait Coaching™.


Wait Coaching™ is the adult version of Outercourse/Outersex™ Education. It's specialized support coaching designed to help single women identify their sexual triggers, establish their sexual expectations, reset  their sexual standards, all while being held accountable for their sexual behavior. As a Certified Wait Coach™, I also teach teens about the game of sex as well as teach parents how to become their daughter's own personal Wait Coach™.


Along with my certification, I've authored a wait book for women entitled, ‘Close Your Legs: A How-To Guide On How To Wait', written two marriage prep books entitled, Girl, Get Your Mind Rightand Girl, Your Future Husband is Coming!, and a prayer guide entitled, 119 Bite-Sized Prayers for Future Wives. I've also served as an Abstinence Workshop Facilitator and written Outercourse Curriculum entitled, 'Outersex Education for Dad's (and Mom's): Becoming A Wait Coach in the Game of Sex', which teaches parents how to have that ever-so-awkward sex talk with their daughter's along with a companion playbook and working journal for teen girls (ages 13-18) entitled, Girl, You’re Not Ready! A No-nonsense Guide to Guys and the Game. And I didn't leave the kiddos out! I've also written a children's book entitled, 'Male and Female Kids: A Kid's Book About the Basics of Gender' which walks K-3 students through the scriptures to help them get a basic understanding of gender. ​And did I mention that I'm a former sex addict with over 20 years of sexual abstinence experience? Yes, 20 which means I literally understand the in's and out's of sex like most Dating/Singles Coaches, Sexologists, Sex Counselors and Therapists which is why I offer Ask-a-Abstinologist™ services.

Ask-a-Abstinologist is a unique service exclusively for blogs, podcasts, live streams, panels, television, and/or radio audiences which gives hosts and listeners the opportunity to ask hot topic questions about outercourse, dating, marriage prep, waiting and Sexual Sabbaticals™. My goal is to give Pastors, ministry leaders, non-profits, teens, parents, educators, single women of faith and adult entertainers the opportunity to ask hard-hitting questions*. I also provide Wait Consulting for Women's/Singles Ministries and adult entertainment outreaches. 


As a Certified Wait Coach™ and Chief Abstinologist™, it is not my goal to push anyone into abstinence for an extended period of time. Not. At. All. My goal is to simply empower and to impart the sexual wisdom God has given me and to provide the accountability teens, single women of faith, the LGTBQ community and adult entertainers need to start their Sexual Sabbatical™ while becoming the sexually pure women God created them to be.

Image by Sincerely Media


Want to know why so many Bible quoting, note taking, YouTube® watching, Audible® listening, podcast subscribing, choir singing, faithful Bible Study and church going single women of faith still having sex?

Sexual Retirement Coaching

Need someone who knows what it's like to leave a highly pleasurable and profitable sex life?

Image by Austin Distel


Need a wow-able episode on topics ranging from hypersexuality, sexual identity, sex in the Bible, self-sex , and/or how to plan a sexual sabbatical™.  

Wait Advocacy

With sex trafficking being a $99 billion dollar industry and over 35 million victims worldwide*, our goal is to not only educate kids and youth but give them the game, so as not to fall prey to the industry. We would be honored to partner with you to speak at your church, event, rally, legislative body, or wherever our services are needed.

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